Kenosha County Archaeological Society in the News

The Kenosha County Archaeological Society, a local chapter of the Wisconsin Archeological Society, was recently featured in the Kenosha News. For the last 40 years, the organization has been working on site preservation, documenting artifact collections, and assisting in local excavations.

New Book on Wisconsin Native American Artifacts

A new book titled, "Native American Artifacts of Wisconsin" by Paul Schanen  and David Hunzicker highlights Native American projectile points, agricultural tools, and ceramics from around the state. Their book features photos of hundreds of artifacts, many of which are from the Tomah area and central Wisconsin. Schanen was quoted in the Lacrosse Tribune, saying his motivation for writing the book was partially the lack of recent books on the topic. He says it took about three years to write.

"Native American Artifacts of Wisconsin" can be purchased for about $75 from The book currently has 8 reviews and a five-star rating.


"Ancient Whitewater mounds see rebirth"

The Whitewater Effigy Mounds Preserve in Whitewater, Wisconsin, was recently featured in the local news. The mounds were destined to be destroyed by construction of US Highway 12 until a group of local residents came to the rescue and convinced the Wisconsin Department of Transportation that the mounds needed to be preserved. In 1974, the site became a city park. The Preserve protects 13 earthworks.

The park features numerous signs and plaques that serve to educate visitors about the mounds. The city's plans for the Preserve include ongoing restoration and maintenance. A new entrance sign has been installed, and the are plans to improve all the signage at some point in the future. A ground cover conversion has begun, to change from mowed turf to prairie plants.

See the news article itself for more. The article also features Wisconsin Archeological Society member Richard Helmick.

Mariann Scott and Richard Helmick are shown at the sign that greets visitors to the Whitewater Effigy Mounds Preserve, located on Whitewater’s west side, just south of U.S. Highway 12 on Indian Mounds Parkway.

Source: STEVE SHARP/Daily Times


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New UW-Madison Residence Hall Highlights Mounds on Campus

Adapted from the University of Wisconsin-Madison website

Dejope Residence Hall, formerly Lakeshore Residence Hall, is the Division of University Housing’s newest residence hall, opening in August 2012 and situated in the lakeshore neighborhood near Lake Mendota and next to the UW Gymnasium-Natatorium. 

Dejope is the name that the Ho-Chunk and other American Indians have called the Madison area for thousands of years, meaning "Four Lakes" in the Ho-Chunk language. Learn more about naming of Dejope Hall here. An excerpt:

UW-Madison has many sites on campus where the archaeological record can still be explored and studied. There are more distinct archaeological sites at UW-Madison than on any other university campus. The best known and most visible legacies of past native peoples at UW-Madison are earthen burial mounds which are widely scattered across the campus, with four mound groups located close to Dejope Hall. The mounds probably served a number of purposes, but the most obvious use was as a place of burial. Mounds are considered to be human burial sites and are protected by law. Images of four mound groups [are] incorporated into the first floor terrazzo flooring at Dejope Hall, along with informational displays about them.

The 318,000 sq ft, $47.6 million residence hall features:

  • Spacious double rooms in a cluster-style floor plan
  • Breathtaking lake views
  • Five floors, including four residential living floors
  • Carpeted and air-conditioned resident rooms
  • Eight marketplace dining venues in Four Lakes Market
  • Convenience store
  • Coffee shop & creamery
  • Conference space
  • Classroom space, on-site advising, Technology Learning Center (TLC), University Health Services (UHS) office
  • Outdoor fire circle & terrace
  • Beautiful outdoor green space on the shore of Lake Mendota

Photos by Jake Pfaffenroth

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Oneota Excavation near La Crosse

This summer, the Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse excavated an Oneota site in advance of Highway 35 construction in Onalaska. Excavation has yielded potsherds, animal bone fragments, and refuse piles, among other materials and artifacts.

"We went into the project knowing that there was a possibility of finding material there," said Kathy Stevenson, projects director at MVAC. "But we really didn't know for sure whether anything would be intact and we certainly didn't expect there would be as much as there was." Roughly 1500 bags of material were collected. (Madeline Sky, 8/22/12,

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New Archaeology Displays in Kenosha County

The Kenosha County Archaeological Society (a local chapter of the Wisconsin Archeological Society) has installed two new public displays - one at the Kenosha Municipal Building, and the other at the Northside Library. The displays contain information about a wooly mammoth discovery and excavation as well as information about the Kenosha county Archaeological Society.

Located in the cases are pictures of the mammoth dig site along with replica tusk and rib bones. The displays also feature stone projectile points and tools.

The display at the Kenosha Municipal Building is a permanent fixture, while the Northside Library display will be available for public viewing for one month. The Municipal Building display was constructed by Daniel Stika, and the Northside Library display was installed by Daniel Stika and Roger Ludlow.

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