Officers, Directors, and Committees

The Wisconsin Archeological Society Board consists of four officers and five at-large directors. The Society has numerous committees tasked with carrying out various activities of the Society. Examples include the Editorial Committee; Preservation of Sites Committee; and Awards Committee. Members are encouraged to join any that interest them. This is an excellent way to become active in the Society and make your voice heard!

Email us at to join a committee.


President - Dan Joyce (2025-2026)

Vice President - Harley Soerfass (2025-2026)

Treasurer - Seth Schneider (2023 - 2025)

Secretary - Jean Dowiasch (2024-2026)

At-Large Directors:

Leslie Eisenberg (2025-2026)

Valerie Chapman (2025-2026)

Judy Crook (2024-2025)

At-large Director Open (2025)

Affiliated Council Representative - Open

Committee Chairs:

Editorial/Journal: Kent Dickerson

Educational Outreach: Jean Dowiasch

Elections: Mark Bruhy

Membership: George Christiansen III

WAS Awards: Cynthia Stiles

Preservation of Sites: Rob Nurre