We Are Seeking YOUR Input!
/Hello, Wisconsin Archeological Society and Wisconsin Archeological Survey members.
We (Bill Green and Kira Kaufmann) have been appointed to the Wisconsin Legislative Council's Study Committee on the Preservation of Burial Sites. Please go to http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/misc/lc/study/2016/1493 to see the committee's charge, meeting dates and locations, and a list of the committee's members. You can also sign up for notifications of updates on the committee's work and meetings at the above website link.
According to the Legislative Council's director, the agenda of the committee's first meeting, on August 2, will include "organizational matters, presentations by invited speakers, and committee discussion of its assignment." Materials related to each meeting will be posted on the committee's website (see above). Taped proceedings of each meeting will also be posted on the website and available for listening.
There will be three subsequent meetings, tentatively scheduled for September 8, October 5, and November 10.
We invite Survey members to provide any questions, comments, or suggestions about the committee's work to Kira Kaufmann at kirak@hotmail.com. We invite Society members who are not members of the Survey to send any questions, comments, or suggestions to Bill Green at greenb@beloit.edu (but only after July 11). While Kira and Bill will discuss our personal and professional views with the committee, we also seek to convey the views of Wisconsin's archaeological community. We therefore value your input during the course of the committee's deliberations.
Thank you,
Bill Green and Kira Kaufmann