In conjunction with the University of Wisconsin-Madison archaeological excavations in progress at the park, the University is holding a field school that is searching for more evidence of houses where Aztalan people lived as well as other features relating to the history of the site. This will be a public day when visitors can get close-up views of the excavations with explanations by the archaeologists. Artifacts recovered from the site will also be displayed. The Friends of Aztalan State Park will provide tours of the site and the excavations throughout the day starting at the interim visitor's center at the second parking lot at the park.Donations towards the proposed new visitor's center at the park being built by the Friends of Aztalan State Park will also be gladly accepted.
The tours are free, but you will need a state park sticker for your vehicle. For more information contact Friends of Aztalan State Park Executive Director Bob Birmingham at (608) 516-3421 or