Call for Submissions - Archaeology Around Wisconsin 2017

The Wisconsin Archeological Society editors are soliciting for Archaeology Around Wisconsin 2017. We have already had one submission before we even asked for them. We always have a great response, and hopefully this year will be no exception. Please submit your individual or your organization’s short articles to, with authors names and organizations names. If your submission is from independent work, just list yourself as an independent researcher. The guidelines for submission can be found on the front page of the journal in regards to formatting, including photos and tables, but are also listed below. Please make sure the figures will meet the requirements below. Although we have been able to print more color photos in the past few years, due to costs we cannot print all submitted photos in color. So please consider that when submitting your articles and photos, and how your photos will look in black and white. Although some contributors ask to have their figures in color, and we try to accommodate, we cannot always guarantee that depending how the layout of the articles go for the final print version. Also, make sure to send figure and table lists in a separate document.
Please submit your articles by Monday, March 19. Late submissions will likely be accepted if there is room in the layout.  If you have a larger size submission, that may be more appropriate for a separate submission as a stand-alone article.
Manuscript format: Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via CD or e-mail. PDF files may be submitted for initial review, but final submissions must be in a standard word-processing format (MS Word, rich text format [RTF], or WordPerfect). Manuscript style should conform to the journal style, which follows American Antiquity (Society for American Archaeology, and the Chicago
Manual of Style.
Figures: Submit illustrations (numbered sequentially) as individual files rather than embedding them in the manuscript, and provide a separate list of figure captions. Electronic versions in standard graphics formats (e.g., JPG for photos, TIFF for line drawings) are preferred, with at least 300 dpi resolution at the intended size. If suitable electronic versions are not available, high-quality hard copies may be accepted; please contact the editors first.
Tables: Submit tables (numbered sequentially) separately from the text, in either word-processing (MS Word, RTF, WordPerfect) or spreadsheet format (e.g., MS Excel). Please provide a list of table titles, and make sure table content is clear and concise and will fit on a standard page in finished form.