Wisconsin Historical Society

Archaeology Month Webinars


May 20 12:00 pm

Discover Great Lakes Maritime Archaeology!

Dive into history hidden beneath the waves with Wisconsin Historical Society's maritime archaeologist, Caitlin Zant. Explore maritime archeology and some of Wisconsin's 750 Great Lakes shipwrecks! Learn how maritime archaeologists document these time capsules, and help preserve and protect Wisconsin’s rich maritime past.


May 27 12:00 pm

Discover Great Lakes Shipwrecks!

Discover history hidden beneath the waves with Wisconsin Historical Society's maritime archaeologist, Tamara Thomsen. Explore easily accessible shallow water shipwrecks along Wisconsin's scenic shoreline through underwater video, historic photographs and archaeological discoveries. Hear stories of their tragic losses and learn how to visit, protect, and preserve these time capsules of our maritime past.


May 28 12:00 pm

Creation Story: The Clam Lake Mounds

Join State Archaeologist John Broihahn and time travel back 1000 years to learn about the creation of the mounds on Clam Lake and how we know the story.
