Wisconsin Archeological Society Research Award
The Wisconsin Archeological Society sponsors several awards including the Wisconsin Archeological Society Research Award (WASRA). This award was created to provide limited funding to students and avocational archaeologists conducting research pertinent to Wisconsin.
Typically, the award is made available on an annual basis for not more than $1000.00, and as funds are available. It is possible that in a given year an award will be made available to more than one recipient (with $1000 divided among multiple recipients) depending on WASRA funding allocations by the Society Board.
Award funds may be used to pay for research related activities. These include (but are not limited to) mapping a mound site for cataloguing and recording; surveying and reporting a parcel; documenting a private collection of artifacts; studying a collection in a local historical society to prepare a new exhibit, radiocarbon dates; special laboratory analyses (e.g., floral faunal, soils); research travel, etc. Costs related to materials for a new exhibit will not be considered eligible for the award. If a professional archaeologist or organization is the primary WASRA applicant, the research-related activities must involve training or mentoring. The funds may be used as a stipend for a student or avocational intern. The award committee will prioritize applications from members of the Wisconsin Archeological Society.
Research is allowable on collections originally from Wisconsin but currently held outside the state, for example, the documentation of a collection from Marquette County now in the Smithsonian. Investigations of archaeological complexes or cultures that span the current geopolitical borders of Wisconsin, e.g. the Red Wing complex of eastern Minnesota, will also be considered.
No portion of the award may be used to cover any administrative expenses associated with the award, payment of a professional’s salary, or reimbursement of previously completed work.
Award Eligibility
WASRA funded projects must meet the following criteria:
the research project must be pertinent to the state of Wisconsin;
the applicant must be a student or avocational archaeologist OR the project must include training of a student or intern;
Individual applicants must be a member in good standing in the Wisconsin Archeological Society. Applicants representing historical societies or other organizations are not required to be WAS members, but it is encouraged.
Application Packet
Requests for awards must be submitted electronically as a Microsoft Word or Word compatible document or PDF. All pages of the application must be numbered sequentially in the top right hand corner. Applications must include:
Cover Page: A page that includes the title of the project, the applicant’s name, organization, street address, city, state, ZIP code, daytime phone number, evening phone number, and email address.
Project Description: A discussion of the way(s) in which the project will investigate, document, or protect archaeological resources. Descriptions must clearly explain the contribution to research in Wisconsin archaeology. The project description is limited to 500 words.
Budget: A page that details the amount of money requested and a rationale for how the WASRA funds will be spent. If additional funding has been requested or received from other organizations, this should be included.
Personal Resume: A resume or curriculum vita that details the educational, research, funding (including any past WAS awards), and other relevant experiences of the applicant.
Professional Reference: The applicant must solicit a confidential letter of reference from a professional member in the archaeological community. The reference letter must be sent via email directly to: Cindi Stiles at cydstil@newnorth.net, with Subject line: WASRA – (specify applicant's name). The applicant must provide the name and email address of the individual solicited with the application.
Application Submission
Applicants must submit completed application packets, along with the name and email of the professional reference, to Cindi Stiles at the following e-mail address: cydstil@newnorth.net, with the Subject line: WASRA – (specify applicant's name)
NOTE: failure to follow the application procedure and requirements will result in rejection of the submitted application.
Application Deadline
Applications must be received not later than March 15 for consideration for funding during the same calendar year. Applications received after March 15 will not be considered for the current year, but may be re-submitted for consideration in the year following.
Review Process
Accepted applications will be distributed to the WASRA review committee for comment and ranking. All proposals will be evaluated according to a standard evaluation rubric (Download Rubric Here). Results from the review committee will be reported to the Wisconsin Archeological Society's Board of Directors during the Spring meeting.
Reporting Requirements
Documentation of expenses: Appropriate invoices or receipts must be provided to the WASRA Committee upon completion of funded activities.
Research Report: The awardee must submit a brief progress report to the WASRA review committee within one year of the award. The report must detail how the award aided the progress of the project.
This project report may be considered for publication in either the Wisconsin Archeologist or the WisArch Newsletter. Award recipients are further encouraged to provide a brief discussion of the project at local Society meetings.
Failure to document expenses properly or to submit an acceptable report will result in a request for reimbursement of the award to the Wisconsin Archeological Society.