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North African Collections at the Logan Museum of Anthropology: Legacies and Current Research, by Bill Green

  • Room 102, Godfrey Anthropology Building Beloit College (map)

The Three Rivers Archaeological Society presents

North African Collections at the Logan Museum of Anthropology: Legacies and Current Research

by Bill Green

Director, Logan Museum of Anthropology/TRAS Vice President

Beloit College’s Logan Museum of Anthropology houses about 120,000 objects from 200 site locations in Algeria and other parts of North Africa. Most of this material derives from the museum’s surveys and excavations from 1925 through 1930. Notable collections include Middle Stone Age and Epipaleolithic material. Much of the material was catalogued and published in the 1930s, but relatively little analysis has been conducted since then despite advances in method and theory. The collections retain significant research value on topics such as lithic technology and animal resource use. The collections are also of historical value in terms of the legacy of early American involvement in African archaeology.