Jaremy Cobble
“Archaeological Investigations at the Henschel Site (47SB29): A Multicomponent Site in the Sheboygan River Watershed”
The Henschel site (47SB29) is a multicomponent site within the Sheboygan River Watershed, spanning Late Paleoindian to Postcontact (ca. 8000 BC to ca. 1850 AD). Over the past one-hundred years, the Henschel site has been the location of several archaeological investigations. This presentation will focus primarily on three excavations: a suspected Middle Wooodland mound investigated in the early Twentieth Century by local antiquarians, an Early Woodland village site excavated by the Milwaukee Public Museum (Archaeological Rescue) from 1987-1989 and a Red Ocher burial by Marquette University in 1996, which was accidentally discovered. Various aspects of the excavations will also be compared with other similar sites in the Midwest.