We are going to be having a work day at the Wisconsin Archeological Society's Heim Mound site on this coming Sunday afternoon from noon to 4 pm. Our focus will be the removal of periwinkle (vinca minor) and pachysandra, two non-native and invasive ground covers which are over-running the property and choking out the native wildflowers. Along the way, we will also be discussing the plans for future care for the property.
For anyone who hasn't been there, the property is on Mound Drive on the far east side of Middleton. Mound Drive is a short, dead-end street that comes off North Gateway Street just north of University Avenue. Best to park on Gateway Street as there is very limited parking on Mound Drive. It is a short walk to our property.
Please bring work gloves, drinking water and a snack. Hand held pruning shears would also be useful. I'll bring bags for what we pull up and some other hand tools.
You are most welcome to join in any or all of the afternoon as you are available.