Location: Harrington Hall - UW-Oshkosh
Speaker: Jeff Behm, Anthropology Program, UW-Oshkosh.
Title: Lake Winneconne Park (47-Wn-853), Part II: The 2017 Excavations
Abstract: A severe windstorm in 2001 toppled a large cottonwood in Lake Winneconne County Park (now Lake Winneconne Park) and exposed a previously unreported archaeological site. In addition to the expected shell-tempered Lake Winnebago Trailed Oneota pottery and associated materials, eight small rolled metal beads made of European smelted copper kettles were recovered from waterscreen residues. These beads, which should date to the Early or Middle Historic Period, could represent the long-sought historic Oneota Horizon and linkage with the Winnebago (Ho- Chunk).
In 2017 the UW-Oshkosh Archaeology Field School investigated the Park. Shovel testing determined the extent and boundaries of the site. A 4m x 4m excavation block was placed close to the location of the 2001 tree tip. Half of the units were dry screened in the field. The remaining 8 were sampled for waterscreening.
Excavations and subsequent inventorying of the large number of samples from this field work demonstrated the presence of a multi-component site, with Late Archaic through Oneota occupations confirmed. While no additional historic Fur Trade Era artifacts were identified, at least one possible historic Native American rim sherd was recovered.
Book Sale: The sale of books, reports, journal issues, and magazine will continue. New books and magazines have been added. The proceeds of the sale go to the Chapter treasury.
Archaeology Month Posters and Bookmarks. The posters (a shipwreck) and bookmarks (an eared Scottsbluff) celebrating Wisconsin’s Archaeology Month (May 2018) will be available for pick-up.