Date: Monday, October 8 at 7:00 p.m
Location: Godfrey 102 (Logan Museum) on the Beloit College campus
About: Learn about current Midwestern archaeological research in posters by Beloit students Wendi Wingerson ’19 and Blaine Burgess ’20 and in a slide talk coauthored by Bill Green and Shannon Fie. Research to be discussed:
Wendi Wingerson ’19 (and Natalie Mueller), “Sumac for Food or Ceremony? Paleoethnobotanical Analysis of Middle Woodland Medicinal Plants”
Blaine Burgess ’20 (and Dana Mineart), “The Golden Eagle Site (Illinois): An Attribute Analysis of Lithics”
Bill Green and Shannon Fie (with Lynn Alex and Robin Lillie), “Rediscovering Toolesboro, a Middle Woodland Mound Group in Southeastern Iowa”
Abstracts of all three presentations are online at
This event is the monthly meeting of the Three Rivers Archaeological Society, a chapter of the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology and the Wisconsin Archeological Society. Hosts and cosponsors: Logan Museum of Anthropology and Department of Anthropology, Beloit College. Free and open to the public.